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Call for papers

[发布日期]:2019-06-15  [浏览次数]:

Conference on Financial technology and finance development in China

The development of the economy is inseparable from thefinancial support, and the development of finance is inseparable from scienceand technology. Since the 21st century, while the Chinese financialindustry has developed rapidly, the science and technology that supports thedevelopment of the financial industry have also been changing with each passingday. It has been successfully introduced into the financial industry, which isnamed financial technology. The year of 2013 was called China's “first year ofinternet finance”. Traditional financial institutions, Internet technologycompanies, e-commerce platforms, and private lending companies have used theInternet, big data, and mobile communication technologies to innovate financialservice models, such as mobile payment, microfinance, online lending, andonline crowdfunding.

This is a great window of opportunity for academics and practitioners tounite their ideas and efforts to take advantages of financial technology,reinvent many aspects of finance, and serve better the economic needs of oursocieties. The School of Finance in Central University of Finance and Economicsand Lingnan College in Sun Yat-sen University jointly hold a conference onfinancial technology and finance development in China. Participants are invitedto submit their individual papers for presentation. Both theoretical and appliedpapers related to the theme of the conference as well as papers dealing withthe following topics are welcome.

Potential topics may include but are not limited to:Financial technology, Application of machine learning in finance, Big Data,Financial modelling, Financial stability, Shadow banking, Chinese financialmarket, Chinese banking system, Corporate finance, Asset pricing.

Paperspresented at the conference will be considered for publication (subject todouble-blind reviewing process) in a special issue of Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,(SSCI)

Conferenceorganization Chair:
Xiaping(Jerry) Cao, Sun Yat-Sen University
JianjunLi, Central University of Finance and Economics

Conference committee:
JeremyGoh, Singapore Management University
DonghuiLi, Shenzhen University
YuchaoPeng, Central University of Finance and Economics
Yukun(Stan) Shi, University of Glasgow

Special Issue GuestEditor:
Xiaping(Jerry) Cao, Sun Yat-Sen University
XianGu, Central University of Finance and Economics

Paper SelectionProcess
The selection process will involve two stages. In the first stage, participants areinvited to submit their full completed papers to Dr. Yuchao Peng at yuchao.peng@cufe.edu.cn  before the deadline as indicated below and the conference committee will screenand evaluate all the submissions. In the second stage, authors of selectedpapers will be invited to submit their papers to the Pasfic-Basin Finance Journal to go through the journal’s reviewprocess. The registration fee for the conference is RMB 1, 500 yuan per person.

Important Dates:
SubmissionDeadline: September 15, 2019
DecisionNotification: October 10, 2019
RegistrationDeadline: November 10, 2019
Conference:December 8, 2019 

上一条:第二届“一带一路”金融合作的经济效应学术研讨会(2019)公告 下一条:第九期丝路金融学术沙龙暨第280期双周学术论坛暨龙马奋进系列讲座
