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[发布日期]:2016-06-30  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 119, Issue 2, February 2016, Pages 249–283


作者:Bernard Herskovic, Bryan Kelly, Hanno Lustig, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh


关键字: 企业波动;特质性风险;横截面股票收益率

The common factor in idiosyncratic volatility: Quantitative asset pricing implications

Bernard Herskovic, Bryan Kelly, Hanno Lustig, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh


We show that firms 'idiosyncratic volatility obeys a strong factor structure and that shocks to the common idiosyncratic volatility(CIV) factor are priced. Stocks in the lowest CIV-beta quintile earn average returns 5.4% per year higher than those in the highest quintile. The CIV factor helps to explain a number of asset pricing anomalies. We provide new evidence linking the CIV factor to income risk faced by households. Our findings are consistent with an incomplete markets heterogeneous agent model. In the model, CIV is a priced state variable because an increase in idiosyncratic firm volatility raises the average household's marginal utility. The calibrated model matches the high degree of comovement in idiosyncratic volatilities, the CIV-beta return spread, and several other asset price moments.

Keywords: Firm volatility; Idiosyncratic risk; Cross section of stock returns



上一条:【FAJ】低波动周期:估值和动量对低波动性投资组合的影响 下一条:【RFS】高买低卖:股票回购和持续信息不对称
