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[发布日期]:2016-07-29  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Portfolio Management, Winter 2016, v. 42, iss. 2, pp. 56-63


作者:Xinyi, Liu; Hua, Fan

摘要:作者利用高频数据估测股票-债券周收益的相关性,发现其相关性较低时往往预示着未来几周内10年期利率的下跌和未来一年内1年期利率的下跌。 反过来,当其相关性较高时,利率会相应上升。因此,投资者们,特别是有类似债券的长期负债的投资者,在近期股票-债券相关性较低时承担着更高的久期风险。关于这种可预测性,作者提出了两种可能的解释,一是市场和政策制定者对不断变化的经济条件反应不足,而股票-债券相关性反映了这种经济条件的变化;二是市场初期对长期债券的避风港价值反应不足。

Stock-Bond Correlation and Duration Risk Allocation

Xinyi, Liu; Hua, Fan


Using weekly stock-bond correlations estimated with high-frequency data, the authors find that a lower (more negative) stock-bond correlation forecasts falling 10-year interest rates over the coming weeks. It also forecasts falling one-year interest rates over the next year. The reverse is true when the stock-bond correlation is higher (more positive). Therefore investors, in particular those with long-term, bond-like liabilities, should take greater duration risk when the recent stock-bond correlations are lower. The authors propose two possible explanations of such predictive power: (1) the markets and/or policymakers' underreaction to the changing economic conditions the stock-bond correlation implies; and (2) the markets' initial underreaction to the long-term bonds' safe-haven status.



上一条:【JFE】葡萄酒的价格 下一条:【JF】横截面股票收益的总跳和波动性风险
