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[发布日期]:2017-11-03  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis; Jun2017, Vol. 53 Issue 3, p963-990. 28p.


作者:Oliver Zhen Li (NUS Business School)

Hang Liu (School of Accountancy, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics)

Chenkai Ni (School of Management, Fudan University)

Kangtao Ye(School of Business,

Renmin University of China)


Individual Investors’ Dividend Taxes and Corporate Payout Policies

Oliver Zhen Li (NUS Business School)

Hang Liu (School of Accountancy, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics)

Chenkai Ni (School of Management, Fudan University)

Kangtao Ye(School of Business,

Renmin University of China)


The 2012 Dividend Tax Reform in China ties individual investors’ dividend tax rates to the

length of their shareholding period.We find that firms facing a reduction (increase) in their

individual investors’ dividend tax rates are more (less) likely to increase dividend payout.

Such an effect is concentrated in firms where incentives of controlling shareholders and

minority shareholders are aligned. Furthermore, investors respond to this tax law change

by reducing trading activities before the cum-dividend day and successfully lower their

dividend tax penalty. Overall, our evidence enhances the notion that individual investors’

tax profiles shape firms’ payout policies.

原文链接: http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=8&sid=d690f913-18bf-46b2-8bd3-b83ea5522584%40sessionmgr4010


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