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[发布日期]:2017-11-03  [浏览次数]:

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT · Volume 46, Issue 3· 2017


作者:Mingshan Zhou (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China), Jing Lin (Peking University, China), Yunbi An (University of Windsor, Canada)


Star Analysts, Overreaction, and Synchronicity: Evidence from China and the United States

Mingshan Zhou (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China), Jing Lin (Peking University, China), Yunbi An (University of Windsor, Canada)


This paper examines star analyst coverage, investor overreaction, and stock price synchronicity in the Chinese and US markets. In China, we find that star analyst coverage can induce investor overreaction, such that it is negatively correlated with price synchronicity. This overreaction effect is particularly pronounced for stocks with primarily individual investors. In contrast, in the United States, we find that star analyst coverage is positively related to synchronicity and is not significantly associated with investor overreaction. Our overall findings imply that the heterogeneous nature of investors in a market drives the association among star analyst coverage, overreaction, and stock price synchronicity.




上一条:【JPM】纯因子组合和多元回归分析 下一条:【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】拆股与机构持股
