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【Review of Finance】工人人均劳动时间的增长对未来股票收益、雇佣和盈利能力的影响

[发布日期]:2017-11-24  [浏览次数]:

Review of Finance, Volume 21, Issue 6, October 2017


作者:Li Gu (Federal Reserve Board, USA),

Dayong Huang (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA)


The Effect of the Growth in Labor Hours per Worker on Future Stock Returns, Hiring, and Profitability

Li Gu (Federal Reserve Board, USA), Dayong Huang (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA)


High growth rate of labor hours per worker signals low future stock returns and high future hiring rate. As labor hours are substituted for hiring, hiring becomes less responsive to future discount rate. The growth rate of the number of labor hours per worker does not appear to be related to future profitability. Our findings are largely consistent with a dynamic labor hours asset pricing model that features large asymmetric costs in adjusting the number of workers and small costs in adjusting the number of hours per worker.



上一条:【FM】市场的流动性不足和条件股票溢价 下一条:【FAJ】活跃份额与主动管理的三大支柱:技巧,信念和机遇
