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【Review of Finance】投资者赎回与基金经理卖出新兴市场债券是否相关?

[发布日期]:2018-03-20  [浏览次数]:

Review of Finance, Volume 22, Issue 1, February 2018


作者:Jimmy Shek (Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland)

Ilhyock Shim (Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland)

Hyun Song Shin (Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland)


Investor Redemptions and Fund Manager Sales of Emerging Market Bonds: How Are They Related?

Jimmy Shek (Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland), Ilhyock Shim (Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland), Hyun Song Shin (Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland)


Asset portfolios of open-end mutual funds reflect both the fund flows from ultimate investors as well as discretionary trading by the fund managers. We propose a method for decomposing the change in mutual fund asset holdings into the parts due to investor flows, fund manager discretionary sales, and valuation effects. We find that discretionary sales tend to reinforce the sales due to investor redemptions. We also find that 100 dollars’ worth of bond sales is associated with around 4 dollars’ worth of valuation losses. Finally, we show that a one percentage point increase in emerging market economy (EME) bond yields is associated with a 9?10% decline in the dollar value of EME bond fund holdings.



上一条:【FM】基金经理的工作经历与其投资技能 下一条:【FAJ】在道琼斯工业平均股指中的流动性BAB因子
