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[发布日期]:2018-05-22  [浏览次数]:

Financial Management · 3 May 2018


作者:Michael J. Brennan(University of California Los Angeles, Manchester Business School)

Holger Kraft (Goethe University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Frankfurt am Main, Germany )



Leaning against the Wind: Debt Financing in the Face of Adversity

Michael J. Brennan(University of California Los Angeles, Manchester Business School), Holger Kraft (Goethe University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)


We offer evidence of a new stylized feature of corporate financing decisions: the tendency of managers to rely more on debt financing when earnings prospects are poor. We term this ‘leaning against the wind’ and consider three possible explanations: market timing, precautionary financing, and ‘making the numbers’. We find no evidence in favor of the first two hypotheses, and provisionally accept the ‘making the numbers’ hypothesis that managers who are under pressure because of unrealistically optimistic earnings expectations by analysts and deteriorating real opportunities, will rely more heavily on debt financing to boost earnings per share and return on equity.

Keywords: Capital structure, financing policy, managerial incentives



上一条:【JFE】时变的风险厌恶 下一条:【JFE】选择因子
