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[发布日期]:2018-07-12  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis. Volume 55, Issue 3 June 2018


作者:Song Shi (Fudan University School of Economics)

Qian Sun (Fudan University School of Management)

Xin Zhang(Fudan University School of Management)


Do IPOs Affect Market Price? Evidence from China

Song Shi (Fudan University School of Economics)

Qian Sun (Fudan University School of Management)

Xin Zhang(Fudan University School of Management)


We examine whether sizable initial public offerings (IPOs) affect the whole market. Using a Chinese IPO sample, we find robust evidence that sizable IPOs depress the market price on not only the listing day but also the offering (subscription) day. The impact on the market is negatively correlated with IPO size on the listing day. However, this impact is largely transitory. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) often places a moratorium on IPOs to support the market, which seems ineffective as the negative IPO effect is transitory and moratoriums are not perceived as good news.

原文链接: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-financial-and-quantitative-analysis/article/do-ipos-affect-market-price-evidence-from-china/99766471B38DB03AB7B920E3257992AB


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