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[发布日期]:2018-08-13  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Economics·Volume 129, Issue 2·August 2018


作者:Robert S. Harris(University of Virginia, Darden School of Business)

Tim Jenkinson(University of Oxford, Said Business School)

Steven N. Kaplan(University of Chicago, Booth School of Business)

Ruediger Stucke(Warburg Pincus, LLC)



Financial intermediation in private equity: How well do funds of funds perform?

Robert S. Harris(University of Virginia, Darden School of Business)

Tim Jenkinson(University of Oxford, Said Business School)

Steven N. Kaplan(University of Chicago, Booth School of Business)

Ruediger Stucke(Warburg Pincus, LLC)


This paper focuses on funds of funds (FOFs) as a form of financial intermediation in private equity (both buyout and venture capital). After accounting for fees, FOFs provide returns equal to or above public market indices for both buyout and venture capital. While FOFs focusing on buyouts outperform public markets, they underperform direct fund investment strategies in buyout. In contrast, the average performance of FOFs in venture capital is on a par with results from direct venture fund investing. This suggests that FOFs in venture capital (but not in buyouts) are able to identify and access superior performing funds.

Keywords: Private equity, Fund of funds, Financial Intermediation


