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[发布日期]:2019-01-02  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Economics, November 2018


作者:Charles M.C.Lee(Stanford University)

Stephen TengSun(City University of Hong Kong)

RongfeiWang(Peking University; China Investment Corporation)

RanZhang (Peking University)


Technological links and predictable returns

Charles M.C.Lee(Stanford University); Stephen TengSun(City University of Hong Kong); RongfeiWang(Peking University; China Investment Corporation); RanZhang (Peking University)


Employing a classic measure of technological closeness between firms, we show that the returns of technology-linked firms have strong predictive power for focal firm returns. A long-short strategy based on this effect yields monthly alpha of 117 basis points. This effect is distinct from industry momentum and is not easily attributable to risk-based explanations. It is more pronounced for focal firms that: (a) have a more intense and specific technology focus, (b) receive lower investor attention, and (c) are more difficult to arbitrage. Our results are broadly consistent with sluggish price adjustment to more nuanced technological news.



上一条:【JFM】市场异常和灾害风险:来自极端天气事件的证据 下一条:【CFR】标准普尔500指数看跌期权的供给与需求
