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[发布日期]:2018-12-18  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Economics, October 2018


作者:Shiyang Huang (The University of Hong Kong)

Yulin Huang(The University of Hong Kong)

Tse-Chun Lin(The University of Hong Kong)


Attention allocation and return co-movement: Evidence from repeated natural experiments

Shiyang Huang (The University of Hong Kong);Yulin Huang(The University of Hong Kong);Tse-Chun Lin(The University of Hong Kong)


We hypothesize that when investors pay less attention to financial markets, they rationally allocate relatively more attention to market-level information than to firm-specific information, leading to increases in stock return co-movements. Using large jackpot lotteries as exogenous shocks that attract investors’ attention away from the stock market, we find supportive evidence that stock returns co-move more with the market on large jackpot days. This effect is stronger for stocks preferred by retail investors and is not driven by gambling sentiment. We also find that stock returns are less sensitive to earnings surprises and co-move more with industries on large jackpot days.



上一条:【JAR】关于固定成本和可变成本的非对称信息的采购 下一条:【CFR】流动性风险与资产定价
