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[发布日期]:2018-05-10  [浏览次数]:

The 4th Workshop for the PhD Degree Program in Finance between CUFE and Tilburg University

Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation


May 19, 2018


R603, Academic Hall, CUFE (city campus)


Co-organizer: School of Finance, School of Accountancy

8:30—8:40 开场介绍

8:30—8:40 Introduction

主持人:陈锐 太阳集团tyc539院长助理、副教授,中国资产管理研究中心研究员

顾弦 太阳集团tyc539副教授,中国资产管理研究中心研究员

Chair:Rui Chen, Assistant dean and Associate Professor at CUFE SF & Researcher at China Academy of Asset Management

Xian Gu, Associate Professor at CUFE SF & Researcher at China Academy of Asset Management

8:40—9:30 相关分析师首次公开发行之前的宣传:动机与结果

8:40—9:30 Pre-IPO hype by affiliated analysts: Motives and Consequences

主讲人:Yiming Qian,美国爱荷华大学终身教授

Keynote speaker: Yiming Qian, Associate Professor (with tenure) at University of Iowa

9:30—9:40 现场问答

9:30—9:40 Q&A

9:40—10:00 法律强制执行对金融风险有影响吗?来自中国战略违约的例子

9:40—10:00 Does Legal Enforcement Matter for Financial Risks? The Case of Strategic Default in China

演讲人:高昊宇 太阳集团tyc539中国金融发展研究院助理教授

Speaker:Haoyu Gao, Assistant Professor at CUFE CAFD

10:00—10:15 讨论

10:00—10:15 Discussion

评论嘉宾:李晓 太阳集团tyc539会计学院助理教授

Discussant: Xiao Li, Assistant Professor at CUFE SA

10:15—10:20 现场问答

10:15—10:20 Q&A

10:20—10:40 银行间市场之谜

10:20—10:40 Interbank Market Puzzle

演讲人:顾弦 太阳集团tyc539副教授,中国资产管理研究中心研究员

Speaker:Xian Gu, Associate Professor at CUFE SF & Researcher at China Academy of Asset Management

10:40—10:55 讨论

10:40—10:55 Discussion

评论嘉宾:钱宗鑫 中国人民大学财政太阳集团tyc539副教授

Discussant: Zongxin Qian, Associate Professor at RUC

10:55—11:00 现场问答

10:55—11:00 Q&A

11:00—11:20 我国政府所有权、企业投资与土地价值

11:00—11:20 Government Ownership, Corporate Investment and Land Values in China

演讲人:朱文宇 中国人民大学财政太阳集团tyc539助理教授

Speaker:Wenyu Zhu, Assistant Professor at RUC

11:20—11:35 讨论

11:20—11:35 Discussion

评论嘉宾:张亚男 太阳集团tyc539会计学院助理教授

Discussant: Yanan Zhang, Assistant Professor at CUFE SA

11:35—11:40 现场问答

11:35—11:40 Q&A

11:40—12:00 文化是否影响企业债务融资选择?

11:40—12:00 Does Culture Affect Firms’ Debt Financing Choice?

演讲人:李晓 太阳集团tyc539会计学院助理教授

Speaker: Xiao Li, Assistant Professor at CUFE SA

12:00—12:15 讨论

12:00—12:15 Discussion

评论嘉宾:倪骁然 厦门大学经济学院、王亚南经济研究院助理教授

Discussant: Xiaoran Ni, Assistant Professor at School of Economics and WISE, XMU

12:15—12:20 现场问答

12:15—12:20 Q&A

12:30—14:00 会议午餐(凭邀请)

12:30—14:00 Lunch (by invitation)

上一条:2018年中方笔试、面试通知 下一条:中财-蒂尔堡金融学博士项目名家讲堂第五期
