学校主页 | 中文 | English


[发布日期]:2022-07-06  [浏览次数]:


1. 毕嘉(2016级博士生):Large Transactions and the MAX Effect: Evidence from China

2. 刘艳(2017级博士生):Do issuer importance and competition affect rating inflation?




姜富伟 太阳集团tyc539 教授

魏旭 太阳集团tyc539 副教授

夏聪 太阳集团tyc539 助理教授

五、主持人:姜富伟 太阳集团tyc539 教授


1.  Large Transactions and the MAX Effect: Evidence from China

In this paper, we rst conrm the existence of the maximum daily return (MAX) effect in the Chinese stock market. Furthermore, we nd that the existence of a maximum daily return is driven by large transactions whereby their relative transaction values explain the MAX effect. This paper proposes the economic mechanism for the maximum daily return effect as follows: institutional investor trading increases rst, which causes individual investors to follow and the total transaction value to increase. As a result, the daily stock return reaches its monthly highest, followed by a quick decay of the institutional trading. In contrast, trading by retail investors decreases much slower after the maximum daily return date.

2. Do issuer importance and competition affect rating inflation?

This paper analyzes the effect of issuer importance on rating inflation of the Chinese bond market, and provides empirical evidence for Bolton et al. (2012)’s theoretical model. We make four hypotheses about how high issuer importance affects credit rating: rating catering, reputation effect, information production and competition effect. Through exploring credit rating and spread, the results support the rating catering and reputation effect hypotheses. The conclusions provide some policy implications, such as disclosing the list of major clients, promoting a market-based bond market, and restricting the competition of the rating industry.



上一条:朱菲菲 | 中财-蒂尔堡项目学术能力提升系列讲座第9期 下一条:中财-蒂尔堡项目博士生论坛第17期
